TreeGraSP meeting #4

The meeting took place on the 26.02.2020 in room


10:00-10:45: Modifying RRGbank to reflect the relation between scope and linear order of operators and peripheral elements (David Felician Baardink) – slides

10:45-11:15: Improving a transition-based DRS parser (Kilian Evang)

11:15-11:45: Coffee break

11:45-12:30: ud2rrg: Transforming Universal Dependencies into RRG Trees (Kilian Evang, Simon Petitjean) – slides

12:30-13:30: Lunch break

13:30-14:15: Toward an RRG treebank of the Hebrew Bible (Christian Canu Højgaard) – slides

14:15-15:00: Towards Grammar Extraction and Probabilistic Parsing for Tree Wrapping
(David Arps, Tatiana Bladier, Jakub Waszczuk) – slides

15:00-15:45: Crossing branches in RRG: How to capture them in TWG (Laura Kallmeyer) – slides